
fingers holding up a silver bte hearing aid

Top Features of Hearing Aids to Consider

When you are due to have a hearing aid fitted, it is obviously helpful to know as much about what you can expect out of it as possible. There are many considerations that you will want to bear in mind here, but in particular, you should know about some of the top features of hearing […]

ite hearing aid fitted to womans ear

What are ITE Hearing Aids?

Hearing aids are small devices designed to help those experiencing hearing loss. They work by amplifying external sounds for mild to severe hearing loss. With there being new technological advancements, there are several versions of hearing aids on the market today. For those with mild to moderate hearing loss, an in the ear (ITE) is […]

man cutting wood while wearing ear protection

4 Hobbies Tied to Hearing Loss

We love to take part in hobbies during our downtime, things like DIY, music concerts and motor racing, but we rarely think about how these hobbies might impact the long-term health of our hearing. Actually, hobbies with high decibel levels can kill off the cilia in the ear canal and lead to hearing loss.  The […]

two hearing loss patients are looking through a selection of hearing aids

4 Common Questions About Hearing Aids

Hearing aids can improve your quality of life in a very significant way, especially if you have severe hearing loss. But many people are apprehensive about wearing them and they have a lot of big questions for their audiologist. Here are four frequently asked questions about hearing aids.  What kind of hearing aids do I […]